099 - Moving Obstacles

In today’s episode we’re hitting it all – whether it be partnerships, hiring, or just overall branding of your business… you’re in for an hour-long treat of it all. We’re pulling from the current, pressing, and REAL conversations we’ve had this week, as a Business Coach and as a Marketing Agency owner, with our clients. Listen to this deep dive to understand and gain perspective into how each of these 3 topics impact one another and how exactly to get over the hurdles that are associated with them.

Show Notes

  • 00:00 - Intro

  • 03:15 - Partnerships

  • 10:00 - Resentment in Partnerships

  • 18:50 - Hiring + Retaining Your Team

  • 29:00 - Cultural Fits

  • 32:15 - Investing in Your Team

  • 36:00 - “You Can’t Eat It All”

  • 40:00 - Reactive vs Proactive Price Increases

  • 41:40 - Just Do It

  • 43:00 - Why Branding Is So Important

  • 45:00 - Examples of Branding

  • 50:00 - You’re Not Alone/Recap

Quotable Moments

  • “Partnership isn’t always the literal definition – think of it as any way that you get into business with somebody where you offer them rights or grants or ownership that you can’t get out of.” – M

  • “If you’re not having uncomfortable conversations then you’re not having the right conversations.” – M

  • “Your company will benefit more from you focusing on your strengths and focusing on a different role than your partner.” – K

  • “We spend the majority of our time working. If you don’t feel a connection and purpose during the best hours of your day, then people are going to leave if they don’t feel that.” – K

  • “You can’t eat it all – you have to have the buffer for the world and you have to have the courage to raise your prices.” – M

  • “Your brand has a lot more to do with who you are and has more to do with what your unique value proposition is.” – K

  • “On partnerships, be intentional about it and make sure you have a really good operating agreement.” – K

  • “On hiring, the market has changed. You may have to change your ads, change your culture, and change the time you give to your employees.” – K

  • “With your brand, it’s what’s going to increase your prices, hire better employees, and contributes to everything.” – K


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100 - Current Events


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