167 - Take Capacity Into Consideration

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Khalil and Martin - The Cashflow Contractor Podcast


We’ve all been there! Tempted to take that big job offer, thinking that it will definitely bring in more profit, only to realize it will cost more than what we've bargained for. Don’t fall into that trap again!

Listen in as Martin shares how he helped a client dodge a bullet before it’s too late!

Time Stamps

  • 00:19 - Episode Intro

  • 02:29 - Taking Capacity into Consideration

  • 09:07 - Episode Takeaways

Quotable Moments from Martin

  • "There is no such thing as profit on an order or a sale."

  • "You may have a gross profit on a job or a sale, but there is no net profit until you've paid all your bills."

  • "There's no profit until you've generated enough gross profit margin to pay your overhead. Once that's done, and only that time, have you begun to make an actual net profit to the bottom line."


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